Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Monkey Wrench Gang, Edward Abbey

This is a fun book, Abbey is able to raise awareness through some very bizarre characters. This is by far my favorite book from the assigned list. I had read The Monkey Wrench Gang in the past and I would like to share a monologue that I wrote. I hope the whole class enjoys reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Ms. Bonnie Abbzug, that’s who I am, I am a free-spirit, not bad looking gal. No man owns me; I come and go as I please with nothing more on my conscious than making sure my cat gets fed while I’m gone. In all honesty, I don’t know how I got my bud in all this mess!!

I should have seen it coming, nothing good could come out of a boating trip down the Colorado, not if by fait brings together such enigmatic, impulsive, bandido spirited characters.

Some characters all right! There’s that Hayduke, pyromaniac, paranoid gun happy punk. He fits the typical beast like man profile, chauvinist pig, insecure S.O.B.; holding a beer on one hand and a gun on the other as his source of sorry manhood; so hairy, and sweaty, that stocky body with short stubby, thick manly hands and…. But a swine never the less!!

Then there’s that Seldom Seen, he’s a good guy that Seldom Seen; he means well but he is clueless on how to do it. Him and those stupid Jack Mormon ideas; when a man marries a woman, he has inevitably condemned her to be pissed off at him for the rest of her life.

What in the world would possess that Seldom Seen to willingly have three unsatisfied, pissed for life women? I just don’t get it! That’s just a tragedy waiting to happen, if you ask me.

Then there’s Doc, with his head stuck up his bud hole most of the times, wondering and fantasying about the way things out to be, but with the rare virtue in a man to say the right thing at the right time; Generous, kind and caring, but as dependent and fragile as a child.

If anyone, he is the one who brings some kind of balance to this whole mess!

What are we doing??

Where will all this lead to??

Are we doing the right thing??

Is it even worth the trouble??

I don’t know it probably isn’t, nobody knows, but it gives us a false sense of peace of mind to know that we didn’t just take it from the industrial monsters, who would not think twice about selling their souls to the devil for money.

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